(S)MT Reading Group: DFKI and Translation and Technology Group

Dates: Fridays at 2:30pm to 3:30pm.
Location: DFKI, Level 1+, Leibniz, AB (Altbau) Room +1.29

After November 2014 the group will be discussing research papers on Deep Learning and Neural Networks. Suggestions are welcome.

05 December 2014Deep Learning and Neural Networks (Mikolov's Tutorial (2014)) [slides]Jon
12 December 2014Deep Learning and Neural Networks (Mikolov's Tutorial (2014)) [slides]Jon
19 December 2014Deep Learning and Neural Networks (Mikolov's Tutorial (2014)) [slides]Jon
09 January 2015Deep Learning for NLP (Manning and Socher's Tutorial (2013)) [url]Video
16 January 2015Deep Learning for NLP (Manning and Socher's Tutorial (2013)) [url]Video
23 January 2015Deep Learning for NLP (Manning and Socher's Tutorial (2013)) [url]Video
30 January 2015Deep Learning for NLP (Manning and Socher's Tutorial (2013)) [url]Video

The reading group started by the chapters in Statistical Machine Translation by Phillipp Koehn.

11 July 2014Chapter 1: Introduction Marcos
11 July 2014Chapter 2: Words, Sentences, Corpora Katja
18 July 2014Chapter 3: Probability Theory Bernd
25 July 2014Chapter 4: Word-Based ModelsSantanu and Patrick
01 August 2014Chapter 5: Phrase-Based ModelsGünter
08 August 2014Chapter 6: DecodingUlrich
19 September 2014Chapter 7: Language ModelsJon
26 September 2014Chapter 8: EvaluationMaja
24 October 2014Chapter 9: Discriminative Training Liling
31 October 2014Chapter 10: Integrating Linguistic Information Eleftherios
07 November 2014Chapter 11: Tree-Based Models Maja

To reduce mail traffic we are compiling an (S)MT Reading Group mailing list.
If you haven't done so, please send your email to Corinna and Lucia at mlt-sek@dfki.de who are compiling the list.
We'll be switching over to this list soon.